Our store opening hours are 8:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday,
Saturday 9:00 to 13:00

Our contact details are: Phone 0288 555 7111, Email : info@madaboutheat.com, WhatsApp 00447862221743

UK's & Ireland's biggest stockist of solid fuel biomass boilers, buffer tanks, wood pellet boilers, unit fan heaters & multi fuel space heaters.

Buffer tanks, accumulator tanks, thermal storage tanks for heat pumps.

Our compact accumulator, hot water storage, buffer tanks for heat pump, geothermal, solid fuel boilers, back boiler stoves and may other central heating applications. Our buffer tanks are designed to fit in tight spaces, occupy very little floor space, are very efficient and look good!

Ultimate space saving buffer tank for modern central heating systems such as air source heat pump, geothermal or solar panels.

The buffer tanks can be used in variety of applications, main uses are extended heat supply in biomass solid fuel boilers and also a temperature oscillation stabilisation where burning logs can spike temperature in either direction. Thermal store has also uses in geothermal and air source heat pumps. Units are designed for both vented as well as pressurised plumbing systems. 

We have two types of buffer tanks for sale, indirect type with internal coil and a direct system type tank. 

Coil can be used to provide on demand consumable hot water or as part of solar panel heat exchange system.

With eight high flow rate 1.5 inch connections, there can be 4 different plumbing circuits connected up to the tank at one time. 



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