About us, our products and what we do.
This page is all about real life representation, no glossy pictures just material of our products that are just as they are.
Starting with designing and making our multi fuel boilers, followed by their arrival from our warehouse or factory and in for pre-sale preparation, their protective packaging and finally the dispatch. Followed by pictures and video's of our solid fuel biomass boilers working, plumbed in and heating homes, houses, workshops, warehouses, kilns also used for heating swimming pools and shown in other applications.
The objective is, for you, the potential customer, to see our products and their manufacturing process first hand. This should sway you in to making a correct decision by visualising that when purchasing one our products you are getting a well engineered and made, good quality, efficient and cost competitive piece of heating equipment.
Mad about heat, was started in 2006 from a basic need to stay warm for less. Having moved to Northern Ireland from Wales in early 2006, cold and damp weather associated with local climate was quite a shock, but not as big as receiving a monthly heating bill for month of February of £360. Home still being cold! Solution was needed. Following few calls and bit more investigation a dual fuel pellet boiler was purchased and installed. Plumber that installed it liked it so much, he bought one too and so it all began. Like with any business it has its up and downs, but sticking to core principles for our products which are:
solid build,
simple to use,
able to burn wide range of fuels,
without requiring engineer to perform annual servicing,
These core principles have helped us to see and experience steady growth over the years.
Started from necessity.
About our products.
Our product are 100% European made out of quality materials and are using quality components which meet required following directives.
PN-EN 303-5:2012, PN-EN 303-5+A1:2023-05, PN-EN IEC60730-2-9:2019-06,
PN-EN 60730-1:2016-10, PN-EN IEC61000-6-2:2019-04, PN-EN IEC61000-6-3:2021-08
Like with any product, it starts in an engineers office taking in to accounts what seems to never ending list of constraints governed by regulations and drive to manufacture competitor beating product. Once the drawings are completed they are passed to manufacturing floor.
Steel is the main material used in various forms to manufacture our boilers. As many of our multi fuel boilers are capable of burning wide variety of fuels, the gases, heat and waste produced during burning process varies depending on what is burned, therefore a specially formulated acid resistant steel for use in multi fuel boilers is used. This gives our products a long and trouble free exploitation time.
Raw steel arrives as sheets or in coils
Using heavy equipment such as laser cutters, plasma cutters, steel press, robotic welders, forming presses and not forgetting a good tap from a hammer, the steel is cut and formed in to components.
The boiler, accumulator / buffer tanks and heat exchanger components are then labelled, entered in to the system and put away in to stores pending assembly.
The next stage is what can be called the birth of a boiler, the assembly time.
This is the point where the chassis of our multi / solid fuel boiler or the buffer tank is welded and bolted together with other parts to produce, what is now beginning to resemble a boiler.
Regularly a random product is pulled off production line and sent in to for internal testing.
This is a destructive testing and it consists of putting the unit under load up to a point of melt down. During that test a data is collected which shows if the boiler is meeting, set out during design stage, performance parameters.
Testing is a very important part of quality control.
Once assembled the unit goes through visual examination, the electronics package is added and the new boiler, now bolted to a pallet, is wrapped and awaits shipping for stock in to one of our warehouses.
Our boilers, buffer tanks and heaters are then collected and brought over to our warehouse in Northern Ireland. Once in our yard lorry gets unloaded and driver is offered a well deserved tea or coffee with a biscuit, or two ;-).
Products are divided in to solid fuel boilers, special orders, space heaters, accumulator tanks and hot air blowing heat exchangers. All are inspected and put in to our warehouse awaiting sale. Once sold the product is then put through pre delivery inspection stage which consists of making sure it is of the correct power output, all sub-components are present, installed and most importantly adjustment of the controller programming. Different fuels have different burn characteristics the controller needs to be adapted to suits those variations, we set up each boiler individually to suit customers needs which are established during our pre-sale chat. Due to high value and the sheer bulk of items we sell, all of our products that are on pallets, are crated to prevent any damage in transit. Some customers prefer to collect the units themselves or we can also offer own delivery if living locally.
Delivery is usually within 48 hours, for most of UK and Ireland and 5-7 for Europe.
Once our products are delivered we offer help and support with installation by speaking to the plumber, providing plumbing and electrical diagrams. We also explain in depth features of the boiler and in time we offer phone or email based technical support if the unit requires further adjustments in order to optimize burn efficiency or customer has any further questions regarding exploitation and maintenance.
Below is a typical solid fuel boiler installation. This system is a dual heat, this means there are 2 sources of heat plumbed into the central heating system, to the left is a DWBi multi fuel boiler that is burning timber, in the centre is the buffer tank which is storing the heat and smoothing out temperature oscillations associated with burning solid fuels and to the right is oil boiler. To switch between two boilers is just a matter of switching the socket On or Off for either boiler.