Manual multi fuel biomass manually loaded boilers.
The manual multi fuel boilers units are the starter units in the multi fuel range of boilers. They have no electronic aides to control their operation, thus require no electricity to work.
Key points of the manual boilers.
No electricity required.
Very simple to use.
Built to last.
Built in grate shaker.
Thermostatic temperature control.
High efficiency, up to 84%.
Can burn wood, coal, waste wood, shrubs, cardboard, peat, turf and other solid fuels.
Flue draft control.
Ash emptying every 4-10 days.
Perfect for "off grid" applications, hot tub or glamping pod heating.
Good replacement for older style boilers like.
Semi automatic, fan assisted with electronic temperature control system, multi fuel, biomass, manually loaded wood boilers.
Bridging the gap between multi fuel manual boilers and dual fuel automated pellets fuelled machines. The semi automatic fan assisted, manually loaded log burners are for users looking to burn wide variety of solid fuels whilst being flexible and adaptable to various heating applications .
Key points of semi automatic wood boilers:
Large fire boxes giving long refill times up to
Electronic temperature control.
Electronic pump control.
Very simple to use.
Built in grate shaker.
High efficiency, up to 84%.
Built to last.
Can burn wood, coal, waste wood, shrubs, cardboard, peat, turf and other solid fuels.
Flue draft control.
Ash emptying every 4-10 days.
Very rapid heat release.
Good replacement for older style boilers.
Secondary air supply, increases efficiency and reduces emissions.
Can achieve 24hrs between refills if fitted with buffer tank.
Clean house hold waste such as potato skins, can now be mixed with variety of fuels such as logs, seasoned or fresh cut, coal, shavings, pellets, peat, turf, waste garden and wood waste.
The intelligent fan control allows 'fill up and forget' type approach making a good use out of the fire box volume. Looking at a 50kw WBI unit, the realistic refill times are around 10-16 hours, this due to the fire box size of around 200 litres. Once the temperature is reached the burner goes in to the idle mode, allowing the boiler to sit simmering away and storing any un-burned fuel for up to 20 minutes, after which it will blast air through to keep itself alight or until demand for heat is requested again.
Further increase in fuel refill times can be achieved by adding a hot water store, commonly known as the accumulator or buffer tank. This type of system, although not essential for correct boiler operation can achieve heat availability of up to 72hrs from one fill in normal domestic conditions.
The semi automatic multi fuel boiler range of machines are currently best sellers, they are easy to use and have true multi fuel capability with almost incinerator like burn characteristics.
Boiler applications
Domestic and commercial premises, these multi fuel boilers require daily input, have build in temperature control and can be used as a direct central heating and hot water oil and gas boiler replacement. Ash emptying every 5-10 days, general cleaning once every 4-6 weeks.
Dual fuel automated wood pellet, biomass auto feed boilers with manual loading capability for logs.
Burning of solid or pellet fuels, has never been easier and hassle free. Our auto feeding range of boilers cater for all budgets, offering quality, efficiency and versatility. They become top choice for customers looking for viable alternative to oil and gas heating systems with minimum labour input.
Key points of dual fuel boilers:
Same key points as the semi automatic boilers plus following.
Using auto feed can burn wood pellets, small coal and grain.
Manually loaded can burn most wood, wood waste and wood by products.
Large hopper giving refill time from 10 days to 4 weeks, depending on season.
Very easy to operate, with full auto option on controller.
Robust and heavy duty product.
Works well with buffer tanks.
High efficiency design, up to 89%.
Own servicing and maintenance.
Able to burn fuels up to cubic inch or 2.5cm cube.
No adjustments to controller are necessary, when in auto mode, boiler will use fuel stored in the hopper as primary heat source, then for example if the logs are loaded through middle door, the controller will automatically retard feeding of pellets.
Emptying of ashes is typically between 4-6 weeks, performed via bottom door, general cleaning maintenance every 3-4 months through upper door, process takes 10-15 minutes.
Fully automated, biomass, wood pellet boilers.
At the top of the range of solid fuel biomass boilers range are these fully automated wood pellet boilers. They are equipped with auto feed, auto ignition, self cleaning boilers that are direct replacement for traditional oil or gas boilers.
Key points to note about DEKi range of boilers:
Highly efficient up to 93%.
Auto ignition.
Intelligent touch screen controller.
Large fuel bin, up to 3 weeks of fuel.
Self cleaning.
Self ash emptying in to container.
Well engineered and aesthetically made.
Works with most domestic central heating systems.
Biomass Gasification, Pyrolyzer, Wood and Logs Boiler.
The process of gasification or pyrolysis involves burning of a combustible matter, carbonizing, without oxygen, this occurs at high temperatures of 500C and above.
The produced gases are then ignited in a separate chamber in the lower part of the boiler and then flames are fed through rear heat exchangers to heat water.
These boilers are designed to work with buffer tanks as they need constant cooling.
Key points to note about our GSi gasification boilers.
Very efficient combustion up to 94%.
Very low emission thanks to high burn temperature.
Large fire box, holds around 100 litres of logs.
Can be used in low emission zones.
Simple to use and operate.
Will heat around 2000 litre buffer tank in 80 minutes.
Intelligent and intuitive to use controller.
Long refill times.
Solidly made to last.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other product, please get in touch, contact details can be found by clicking a link HERE.